Visual Sources

​​Visual sources in people's history refer to photos and footage that capture everyday life directly through the camera lens. Other sources such as daily household objects, clothing, working tools, local artefacts, architectural sites, paintings and sketches offer an alternative visual medium for the study of everyday life. Mardomnameh intends to gradually and continuously compile a reference list of visual sources and documents with relevance to people's history of Iran. Click on linked images for further information.  

Audio Recordings 

Audio records in people’s history refer to recorded voices and sounds from the past such as speeches, conversations, interviews, oral theatre performances, celebrations, songs, melodies, military marches and oral historical records, particularly records that capture the lives and sounds of everyday people and daily life. Mardomnameh aims to gradually compile and categorise a reference list of sound records and digital audio collections in modern Iranian history. Click on linked images for further information.

Archives and Collections

Mardomnameh aims to gradually compile and categorise a reference list of archives and collections of Iranian history. Click on linked images for further information.